Personal progress: w/c March 26th


Seeing that I haven’t spoken about any of my own personal stuff yet, I want to dedicate this post to a couple of the art pieces I’m working on for the synoptic project. This week has shown me that it’s really difficult to work between two different art softwares (Photoshop at college, Krita at home) as neither share a file type I can use on my personal laptop. To get around this, I’m planning on focusing on one piece of art at a time and returning to the other at a later date and putting in extra hours at college as I’m really not liking Krita so far.

Church of Sarenrae sketch layer

That being said, one thing I do really enjoy about Krita is that the brushes are really realistic and will give you the effect of what the brush describes it to be. It’s perfect for sketching in my opinion as I use the HB pencil which really does feel like you’re using a pencil as the brush has a low opacity and feathered edges.

HB pencil tool

In order to help me sketch out a scene, I press down heavier over the lines I want to be seen with the HB pencil tool. Just as it is in real life, the 2B pencil is thicker and therefore appears chunkier and darker on the digital art canvas, so I tend not to use this one. Lines that are lightly drawn represent drawings that I’m not sure I want to keep but are there just as a guideline.

Church of Sarenrae block colour

Right now, I’m in the process of just adding some block colour to the scene. This is just to give me the general idea of the colouring of everything, where the plan from then is to just neaten it up

Fill circle tool